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Supply Chain Management

We use ethically sourced materials to fulfill our social responsibility.

“ SK On is leading the efforts to create social value for greater public interest,
and ethical sourcing is where the efforts begin. ”

Supply Chain Management

SK On considers the headquarters, business sites and partner companies as the scope of its social responsibilities and
it is supporting partner companies to grow together with us.
SK innovation provides a variety of mutual growth programs to reinforce supplier competitiveness and our overall growth ecosystem.
During the second half of 2021, we are progressively expanding our mutual growth support programs to Tier-2 suppliers.

Internal or external evaluation & audit → start → Result (corrections & improvement required) → Check corrections and improvement required → Request relevant department to make corrections → Relevant department’s planning for corrections, & F/up → Report completion of correctionsor plan for improvement. Internal or external evaluation & audit → Feedback for measures taken → Relevant department’s planning for corrections, & F/up.

Supply Chain Management Policy

SK On has reorganized its supply chain management system from the perspective of ESG management with the goal of Green Balance 2030. We are currently required to comply with ESG code of conduct for suppliers.

  • Code of ethics
    for purchase

    ㆍBasic Principles of Fair Transparent Transaction
    ㆍCompliance with laws and international conventions
    (declaration of human rights, UNGC, etc.)
    ㆍReporting violations and protecting informants

  • Bidding

    ㆍPrinciples of selecting suppliers, bidding process, detailed guidelines, etc.

  • ESG Code of Conduct
    for suppliers

    ㆍHuman rights and labor, safety and health, environment-friendly workplace management, compliance with corporate ethics, prohibition of the use of conflict minerals, management system

  • General principles of purchase within the purchase management regulations

    ㆍComply with corporate social responsibilities such as shared growth and labor, human rights, anti-corruption, environment, etc.